Monday, 3 October 2011

IS Hollywood Running on Empty?

Ghostbusters getting a re-release at Theatres
What is going with Hollywood?
It seems that remakes are hot off the production table along with 3D re-releases of classics.
But what's the deal with all these remakes and re-releases? Are the film studios taking less risks with new talent because of the current financial situation?
Maybe, but if you're a talented writer trying to sell your kick-ass script to a Hollywood studio, you must pretty frustrated right now seeing studios pump money into re-releasing classics such as Ghostbusters and Jurrasic Park at cinemas as well as commissioning remakes of films that have just to say reached their tenth anniversary such as Spiderman.

Spiderman is prime example of an un-neccessary remake as it seems Sony have decided that the Toby Maguire adventures weren't good enough, even though the first was a box-office smash. They've decided to start all over with them and pretty much re-film the first original film with a different cast.

The Fantastic Four movies are another set that have fallen foul to a remake even though Fox have admitted that both films were a box-office success. They've decided to reboot the franchise within six years of the first film's release.

The other trend which has hit the big-screen is 3D. Yeah, 3D has come a long way since the old red and blue lensed specs we used to get and I can see why so many studios are opting to film in 3D as it is awesome when it works.
However, I was under the impression that 3D films only worked when they were filmed using 3D lens? But it seems that studios are re-releasing non-3D films from years ago in 3D.

Lucas is planning to cash in some more on the Star Wars saga by re-releasing all six movies in 3D in 2012, and Paramount also plan to re-release Top Gun in 3D.

In my opinion, it seems Hollywood is running out of ideas and trying to cash in on the old instead of cashing in on the new and as a film fan I'm becoming very bored of re-releases and remakes.
It seems that Hollywood need to regrow a pair and start making new and daring films from new talent that are trying hard to get into the industry.

Go Hollywood take a risk... I dare you!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Time For Action!

Well, the economy is getting worse. America has less money than Apple Inc., and the British arrogant morons government have decided to take more money out of our pockets (money I wish to add a lot of us have very little of) by asking workers to pay around £100 a month extra into their pensions and get less when they retire. Seems fair doesn't it?
They've also noticed that nobody is really spending and things are getting worse. No shit Sherlock!

Oil companies and energy suppliers have announced billions in profit. Well good for them they deserve it. Like hell they do!
Its greedy companies like these along with our greedy government who are pushing the economy back into a recession. Well, when I say back into one, did we really come out of one?

Now the government are scratching the knob on their heads to think of another money making plan they can put together which will plummet the country further into the recession and leave us with less money that we cannot afford to part with.

What they should be doing is actually listen to the public and company directors who are all struggling and ask them what should they be doing to help. Yeah, yeah, yeah as if that will ever happen. Its been decades since a government actually listened to the people and followed up their promises, but if they did take notice to what we had to say then slowly the country will walk clear of the recession and the economy will begin grow again. Companies would be saved, people will be solvent again instead of worrying whether or not they'll have a roof over their heads in six months time and food on the table.

It seriously annoys me when the likes of BP are boasting of the profits they're making and is it a wonder why when fuel prices are so high?
If you're making so much money and boasting about it, how about you drop the bloody price of fuel and I don't mean by a penny like the government did in March thinking they were doing us a favour. You can afford to do it, but you choose not to because of greed.

In March, the government claimed they couldn't get rid of fuel duty or VAT on fuel because it would take years to process all the paperwork. Utter rubbish! They don't want to get rid of it because it would leave a big gap in their pockets - Greed!

The only way we are going to get out of this recession and build the economy back up again is to get us to spending again. How? Lower VAT from 20% down to 12%, this will make food, appliances, etc cheaper to buy again. Cut the cost of fuel down to below a £1 a litre, this will make fuel more affordable to the average family household so they can afford to go out on day trips again without worrying about how many miles they do. It will also help companies to keep their fleet of vehicles on the road and improve services. Wait a minute! If people start to go out more, they might begin to spend more. Yes they will because they'll be able to afford to! Can you start to see a pattern forming here? Shame the government can't! Cap the cost of gas and electric supplies. The recent 19% rise is unacceptable, that is pure greed from the companies who are now boasting of high profits, yet they feel the need to up their prices? Stop companies offering payday loans or force them to lower the APR down to a reasonable rate such as 19% instead of 1200%.
Already I've presented just a handful of solutions, solutions that realistic and would help the economy greatly, but it will never happen as greed will always win. 

This country seriously needs to stand up for itself and show the government enough is enough.
The only people who are getting rich are those who are taking from the poor. The government are talking from their arse when they say there's nothing more it can do to help. There is a hell of a lot they can do, they choose not to because they will begin to lose out.

Something seriously needs to be done and soon, otherwise this country will get to the point of no return and the economy will take decades to recover, especially as there are so many selfish, greedy people out there.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Butterkist and King Cones

My blog has bugger all to do with the title I just couldn't think of anything to call it.
Anyhow, hope your all well. I thought I should write something as I've not done so since March, but it has been a busy couple of months for me.

In March, I was hired to help re-write a script for a play which was due to be performed in May. So for a month I worked closely with the show's director and we managed to pull off a miracle. The show 'What the Window Cleaner Saw!' toured the part's to the UK and was an overall success. So much so that the company behind it - Northeast Producers have extended the tour, which is nice.

While that was going on, I've busy working on the series 'Solid Venom' which is being produced by Danish production company 'Skumfidus Film'.

I finished writing the first season earlier this year, with the series in pre-production stage as casting and everything else is currently being organised.

I've been asked to direct the series, but I'm only prepared to direct one or two of the episodes, which they seem happy with.

Although I had nice surprise to be sent some examples of the graphic novel to Solid Venom which is currently in production. The artwork is superb and I'm excited to see something of mine in this form.
I don't know when it'll be finished or when its due to go on sale so I'll have to keep you informed with that one as soon as I know.

As for the film I was shooting last year - 'Christian', that is to be re-shot and I'm currently rewriting the script as its now going to continue on from the Solid Venom series.

Continuing on with the writing theme, I've also began writing a new comedy sci-fi series called 'Some Kind of Heroes'. I'm not allowed to give too much away at present until the scripts have been approved, but I'm quite excited about this one.

Anyhow time to chew the fat.

One subject that I know is on everyone's mind in the UK is the price of petrol.
I'm sorry but why is it so frigging expensive again? Mmm, wait... its because we've got a greedy Government!

Okay, yeah I know that the price of Crude Oil and the Dollar has something to do with it too, but its still not an excuse to have it so expensive in the UK compared with mainland Europe.

In France the cost of Unleaded is £1.10 a litre and Diesel is 94p a litre.

So why is it £1.34 for Unleaded and £1.40 for Diesel in the UK??? Why is Diesel so more expensive in the UK that mainland Europe? There is no excuses of it other than its filling the fat-arsed MP's pockets that's all.

This country is on its arse financially, yet our Government feel need to bail out every other country from their financial problems including the banks and its us, the taxpayer that get's the bill for it all. But do we get any financial help to help us pay for everyday things? No! Has our wages increased? No!

In my opinion, if the country wants to get out of this financial struggle, then lower the cost of everything to get people spending again. Without us spending, the financial problem isn't going to get better.
How is the rise in VAT and fuel bills amongst other things helping the economy? It isn't! Who are the ones benefiting from these rises? I'll give you a clue - it isn't us.

Our shitty useless Government need to take a step back and stop thinking about themselves and start thinking about those who put them in power, before we start to see rioting on the streets and our Government being overthrown because its citizens have had enough.

Seriously, sort it!

That's all I've got to say about that! ;-)

Friday, 25 March 2011

Underrated Movies

I was sat thinking the other day on the amount of films that are seriously underrated and deserve better attention than what they currently getting, which is a real shame as its these films I find are far superior than an overrated, over advertised film starring the same cast that are currently starring in every film showing on a multiplex.

With the constant remakes doing the rounds at cinemas. I want to watch something different and original - WATCHMEN is definitely one of those films.

Yeah okay, it didn't do well at the box-office, but there was a lot legal problems surrounding the production and the initial release of the film was put back five months in the UK.

Putting that aside, Watchmen is a film worth watching.

Set in an alternative 1985, when President Nixon has just been voted in for another term in office and nuclear war is inevitable between the Russians and the US. 

The Watchmen are a group of superheroes forced out of retirement after a colleague is murdered.

The film begins with the death of the Comedian. A gun-totting hero who worked secretly with the Government and had a political view on just about everything and didn't really care much for anyone other than himself. 

As Watchman vigilante Rorschach starts to piece together the clues, he begins to reveal a lot of dark secrets surrounding the Comedian and other members of the Watchmen, that make them realise its not just Comedian's name thats on the hit list.

What I loved about this film above other superhero films was that it wasn't a typical red, white and blue, God bless America film. It was gritty, dark, violent and proved heroes have their own problems to deal with and are just as human as everyone else.

With the brink of nuclear war hanging over everyone, you could feel the depression everyone was feeling and that threat of life being wiped out.

The original cinema release has a running time of just under three hours. 
Yeah its long and to be honest, don't expect constant action throughout as it doesn't happen. But when the action does kick-in, its brutal, no-hold barred graphic violence, which adds to the depressed tone of the film.

However, if you're going to watch it, then I suggest you get a copy of the ultimate version. There are three versions of the film and the ultimate cut has a running time of near three and a half hours. This cut is the directors cut with a short film called 'Tales of the Black Freighter' which is narrated by Gerard Butler, woven into the film which is also available on DVD/BlueRay as a separate film.

Overall, Watchmen is a gritty film-noir style superhero movie which is worth a watch especially if you're wanting something a little more original.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Why Bother?

Trying to satisfy people nowadays is like trying to get blood from a stone. Especially when you've been left to do everything yourself because everyone else has jumped ship no thanks to the people you trusted leaving you in the shit thanks to their attitude problems.

As you regular readers to this blog may know, I've been working on a feature for the past - well technically six years. Ten months ago I started filming and was excited as I was finally seeing the script begin to come alive.

But if I seriously knew what shit I was to experience over the following ten months, I wouldn't have bothered.
I've had a few people give me a hand where help's been needed, but all I've had is nothing but grief and you know what I'm frigging bouncing over it.
Since being left in the lurch thanks to my producer causing the trouble she caused. I've been left to do the editing, sound mixing, edit logs and everything else as well as juggle my personal life and a full time job and what thanks have I got from anyone? Sweet fuck all! I've had nothing but grief from those who've jumped ship and you know what? I'm very tempted to dump the frigging lot and start from scratch because seriously who the hell do you think you are?
You knew the situation from the start and yet I'm getting moaned at because things are not getting done to their schedules. Well excuse me! My schedule went out of the window when I was shit on from a great height and left to pick up the pieces.

So here's one for you. Go film a full feature with promises I had before they were broken, work with the grief I've had to deal with, shoot a film without support and a budget, then sit through over fifteen hours of footage which has to be logged, uploaded to an edit suite and then edited, sound mixed, CGI added, colour graded and then some while you work up to 12 hours a day in full time job while juggling your personal life as a single parent - then maybe I'd listen to your rants. Until then, stop giving me grief over what others have done. Let me get on with things. I am busting my balls trying to get this to work. I don't care some of you are unhappy with what you've seen so far especially when its untreated footage - seriously what do you expect?

Due to peer pressure and total disregard for the work I've put in, I've recalled the untreated footage I've had sent away to be processed (more time wasted) for everyone to view. I don't care if they approve or disapprove of the footage because I'm past caring and seriously what do you expect?

Although, I will thank those who have continued to help me in which way they could. At least you understand what I've had to deal with.

Monday, 31 January 2011

British Shite Broadcasting!

On February 1st 2011, Sky will launch its newest channel ' Sky Atlantic'.
This will be the home of HBO programmes on the Sky network, but is it going to be the super-dooper channel they've hyped it up to be?

Erm... No, not really hence why its probably free (for now) to Sky subscribers.

Sky have really rammed this channel down everyone's throats, with adverts starring the legend that is Dustin Hoffman, billboard posters, radio adverts and plugs about upcoming programmes getting their UK premieres on other channels.

But if you take a look at its schedule, its nothing really to shout about as its showing nothing but repeats throughout the day until the premiere's start at 9pm, which are then repeated throughout the night.

Its basic schedule consists of Star Trek, 24, ER and X-Files being repeated throughout the day from 6am.
Three out of those four programmes will be heavily edited as they're being showing before the watershed, so really what is the point?

You'd think with the backing this channel has got and the money its had pumped into it, you'd expect a better programming schedule than that!

Also, if its the home of HBO, then why not call it HBO instead of Sky Atlantic? Eventually, the channel will no doubt be changed to HBO in about a year or two, so why call it something different?

I think Sky are becoming too big for their own good and ripping its viewers off is something that is 'severely' being overlooked.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Good-bye 2010. Hello 2011.

So 2010 is now behind us and we're now in the first few days of a new decade.
But what does this new decade have in store? Who knows.
What I do know is that by 2020, I'll be 45 and I'll hopefully be in a much better place where I am today.

The last ten years have certainly been one hell of a roller-coaster ride. One of such that I almost didn't see the end of.

I started the decade living with my old mucker - Chris, which was one of hell of a year (thanks mate!).

I've travelled to places I'd never thought I visit, such as Cyprus, New York and Denmark.

I bought my first house, which five years later I sold as life became too expensive.

I began to get my shit together and pursue a career I've longed for - working as an actor and in 2004, I got a part playing a 'camp' hairdresser in the indie film 'Is That It?', which finally got a limited release at cinemas in 2008.

I started my short lived production company 'Preview Television Ltd', which produced several videos onto the general market and helped launch a local business into success, before I decided to close it in 2007 (not the successful local business, just in case that caused a little confusion there).

Life threw some vast obstacles my way over that last ten years and friendship is definitely one of them.
To this day, I wish I had spent more time with the friends, who, if I knew I'd lose contact with them or indeed lose them forever, I would have made more of an effort to spend more time with them because once they've gone - there gone.
Its these friends who are irreplaceable, the ones who without them, I wouldn't have the great memories of the good times I had with them over the years.
Sadly, some of these friendships were hit with problems for which I'm still sorry to this day for. I know one or two friends have been understanding, but the problem with me is that I've got too much of a conscious and hate it when I've offended the one's who didn't deserve what my ignorance has put them through.

To the one's who are still in my life, I hope we have many a great time together and I hope we can all continue to collect more fantastic memories.
To the one's who are no longer in my life, I thank you for the good times we once had. Especially to those who are no longer with us in the physical world. Even though I knew you for a short while, it was pleasure to have known you - Joe and Andy.

Six years into the decade was going to be the first turning point and one of the most challenging years of my life.
Within six weeks, I'm diagnosed with asthma after suffering from an asthma attack (how ironic?).
A week later I lose my remaining grandmother to Alzheimer's after suffering for nine long years.
A week later I lose a friend to a sudden heart attack at the age of 27 - Andy, then four weeks later, on a blazing hot morning in June, I receive a phone call that my fiancé was in labour - three months early.
Those three months were going to be the most testing months of my life as I watched my daughter fight for her life.
There were the most stressful three months of my life and my eyes filled up when I finally got to cuddle my daughter for the first time in weeks after she was born. But, that wasn't going to be the last time as she grew to be a healthy baby and in August, we were finally allowed to bring her home.

Unfortunately, those weeks began to put a strain on my relationship with my fiancé and six months later we went our separate ways. Not too separate as she stayed local so I could have regular time with my daughter who has grown up to be a beautiful, funny and charming little girl.

During this time, as part of my plan to break into the entertainment world. I decided to go back to writing.
Something I've enjoyed doing as a hobby and been quite secretive about.

In 2007, I got together with my friend and local film-maker Joseph Tan, and we bounced several ideas off each other.
One of which was a vampire film based on the return of Dracula to Whitby, which I began writing in 2005, but I ran out of steam on the project.
I spoke to Joe about the script and he immediately submitted new ideas and we continued writing the script.

In 2008, came the second hurdle in my life. I became seriously ill with blood poisoning and organ failure, something which I almost died from if I hadn't taken myself off to hospital when I did or I wouldn't have seen the night through, which one doctor kindly told me the next morning at my bedside.

So, my life was brought to an abrupt halt as I spent the next few months recovering.

Now for those who know me, you know full well I can't sit around doing nothing. I have to be doing something.
During my recovery time, Joe paid several visits to my home. We talked about more ideas for the vampire script, but Joe was also making sure I wasn't going anywhere, as we had already lost one friend two years previous and he was worried that he might be losing a second friend.
I gave him my word and I sat down with Joe's ideas and finished the script now known as 'Christian'.

But five months later, Joe's life took a turn for the worst and in May 2009, he died after major heart surgery to repair a problem he'd been suffering from since birth. He never got to see the final script he was itching to see.

A week later, I was offered an acting job in London, playing a police officer in a reconstruction for the Police Bravery Awards 2009. Although it was a small job, I spent an entire day on set dressed in full winter police clothing, frying my arse off in the summer sun that shone down on the set, having to check my eyebrows after having several bursts of fire was blasted at us to reconstruct a small explosion. Overall, it was fantastic to be in front of the camera again and it took my mind off the past few months.

Two months later, I decided to begin work on 'Christian'. Something I knew couldn't be left to rot in the corner of a room, especially after all the shit we went through to get it written. I didn't think it would have been fair on Joe if I did nothing with it.

Late October 2009, I got a small team together and we shot two promo trailers for 'Christian' to help with the publicity of the production and to help get us funding.

At last, things were beginning to look up for me and it was about bloody time!
Especially after what I had gone through over the past nine years, along with a stress related breakdown.

We had spent months planning the shoot, held auditions and found the perfect cast to play the parts.

Then in June, just before we began to shoot, I got bitch slapped in the face. Every director's nightmare happened to me.

The support we had gathered and most of the locations we had booked decided to pull out last minute - bastards!

Okay, so we had just filmed two days, got two scenes shot. Should I bring the production to a sudden halt or should I continue on and see what we can come with in the meantime.

To be honest, one side of me thought, I should have pulled the plug and restarted the shoot when I regained more support and funds. But the other side thought - plod on. I've worked too hard to just give up that easily.
I still at the time had the support of everyone involved and a few local businesses who we used for locations, so I decided to continue on and do my best.

As the days went by, we were still struggling to find new locations at the last minute. The production began to crumble as did I.
The cast and crew were getting pissed off at the quality of the production and I couldn't honestly blame them.

Just as things were looking up, in a blink of an eye they came crashing down again as I tried my best to keep the production together along with my sanity.

Problems kept arising between cast and crew, the script was rewritten several times to coincide with the location problems after people came forward and then let us down again last minute.
I had to recast one of the main characters two weeks into the shoot. I was going into bloody meltdown and people's faith in me was fading fast.
It also didn't help that my producer never showed for most of the shoot as they were finding it hard to work with some of the crew who I wouldn't let go as they were doing a good job.
Other crew members got tired of the shit that was happening behind the scenes and left the production, what the fuck was going on?
My love for the industry was in tatters as the production put a strain on friendships and I was at boiling point with others which leading me to point where I was ready to throw in the towel.

But I didn't and why the bloody hell should I?
Most of the problems came from others, not me, so why the hell should I give it all up because people were letting me down or being an arse to others?

It was this turning point, that changed my life. I was no longer going to be that person who let people walk all over him because he didn't like to upset people or get involved with confrontations.
I was becoming a person who saw a different perspective on life and this type of work.

Out of all this, the ones who I felt sorry for the most were the cast. I brought them onto this production and give them an insight into what I had planned, but I didn't manage to deliver those promises thanks to those who let me down, but hell they stuck with it and really helped me out along with the crew.
Yeah, I had disagreements with some, but I totally respected them for it. I didn't hold a grudge or get pissed off with any of them because they were honest from the start when the problems began.

After several changes, in both my life and on-set, we continued on with the production longer than I had planned and in September, production was put on hold as cast members had other work lined up and I needed to see what we had shot, as there was something still knocking in the back of my head that this project had gone astray somewhat.

Over the past few months, I've spent time getting my life sorted, editing the scenes we've got wrapped so far which is taking me forever (10 hours to edit, 2 minutes of footage). Told a few people some home truths and pushed them aside as I know longer have the time for there pettiness.

Life is too short to worry about the small things. I'm working my ass off every hour of the day to make a success of things and its slowly paying off as I'm writing again, this time a prequel series to 'Christian'.

Finishing up the editing of 'Christian' to keep my promise to people I owe a lot too and see how its all looking as a rough edit. Making sure I'm happy with everything so far and nothing needs re-shooting, so we can finally finish this project.

Getting my career on track so I jack in my shitty nine to five job, which I've managed to stick with the for the past fifteen years, but I've always felt like its kept me back from doing what I want to do most.

These next ten years aren't going to be easy. I just hope its going to be a decade of success and less stressful than the past ten years.

I'm going to move on in life, do things I've longed to do, but have been kept back by people who have been standing in my way.

I'm going to do what makes me happy and relax more. Hopefully find peace with myself, something I've not been able to do in a very long time. Like find new hobbies and take back up photography. Something I've never found the time for and miss doing.

As I bring this rant to an end. I want thank those who have stuck by me throughout these past ten years, whether you're old friends or new, relatives or that special someone in my life.
I thank you for being there. For picking me, when I was down.
For those who I've upset, but have found it in their hearts to forgive me. Knowing that there was no pure intention to the offence I may have caused them. I thank you with all my heart.

Here's to a new year and a new decade of our lives.