Well, the economy is getting worse. America has less money than Apple Inc., and the British arrogant morons government have decided to take more money out of our pockets (money I wish to add a lot of us have very little of) by asking workers to pay around £100 a month extra into their pensions and get less when they retire. Seems fair doesn't it?
They've also noticed that nobody is really spending and things are getting worse. No shit Sherlock!
Oil companies and energy suppliers have announced billions in profit. Well good for them they deserve it. Like hell they do!
Its greedy companies like these along with our greedy government who are pushing the economy back into a recession. Well, when I say back into one, did we really come out of one?
Now the government are scratching the knob on their heads to think of another money making plan they can put together which will plummet the country further into the recession and leave us with less money that we cannot afford to part with.
What they should be doing is actually listen to the public and company directors who are all struggling and ask them what should they be doing to help. Yeah, yeah, yeah as if that will ever happen. Its been decades since a government actually listened to the people and followed up their promises, but if they did take notice to what we had to say then slowly the country will walk clear of the recession and the economy will begin grow again. Companies would be saved, people will be solvent again instead of worrying whether or not they'll have a roof over their heads in six months time and food on the table.
It seriously annoys me when the likes of BP are boasting of the profits they're making and is it a wonder why when fuel prices are so high?
If you're making so much money and boasting about it, how about you drop the bloody price of fuel and I don't mean by a penny like the government did in March thinking they were doing us a favour. You can afford to do it, but you choose not to because of greed.
In March, the government claimed they couldn't get rid of fuel duty or VAT on fuel because it would take years to process all the paperwork. Utter rubbish! They don't want to get rid of it because it would leave a big gap in their pockets - Greed!
The only way we are going to get out of this recession and build the economy back up again is to get us to spending again. How? Lower VAT from 20% down to 12%, this will make food, appliances, etc cheaper to buy again. Cut the cost of fuel down to below a £1 a litre, this will make fuel more affordable to the average family household so they can afford to go out on day trips again without worrying about how many miles they do. It will also help companies to keep their fleet of vehicles on the road and improve services. Wait a minute! If people start to go out more, they might begin to spend more. Yes they will because they'll be able to afford to! Can you start to see a pattern forming here? Shame the government can't! Cap the cost of gas and electric supplies. The recent 19% rise is unacceptable, that is pure greed from the companies who are now boasting of high profits, yet they feel the need to up their prices? Stop companies offering payday loans or force them to lower the APR down to a reasonable rate such as 19% instead of 1200%.
Already I've presented just a handful of solutions, solutions that realistic and would help the economy greatly, but it will never happen as greed will always win.
This country seriously needs to stand up for itself and show the government enough is enough.
The only people who are getting rich are those who are taking from the poor. The government are talking from their arse when they say there's nothing more it can do to help. There is a hell of a lot they can do, they choose not to because they will begin to lose out.
Something seriously needs to be done and soon, otherwise this country will get to the point of no return and the economy will take decades to recover, especially as there are so many selfish, greedy people out there.
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