Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Butterkist and King Cones

My blog has bugger all to do with the title I just couldn't think of anything to call it.
Anyhow, hope your all well. I thought I should write something as I've not done so since March, but it has been a busy couple of months for me.

In March, I was hired to help re-write a script for a play which was due to be performed in May. So for a month I worked closely with the show's director and we managed to pull off a miracle. The show 'What the Window Cleaner Saw!' toured the part's to the UK and was an overall success. So much so that the company behind it - Northeast Producers have extended the tour, which is nice.

While that was going on, I've busy working on the series 'Solid Venom' which is being produced by Danish production company 'Skumfidus Film'.

I finished writing the first season earlier this year, with the series in pre-production stage as casting and everything else is currently being organised.

I've been asked to direct the series, but I'm only prepared to direct one or two of the episodes, which they seem happy with.

Although I had nice surprise to be sent some examples of the graphic novel to Solid Venom which is currently in production. The artwork is superb and I'm excited to see something of mine in this form.
I don't know when it'll be finished or when its due to go on sale so I'll have to keep you informed with that one as soon as I know.

As for the film I was shooting last year - 'Christian', that is to be re-shot and I'm currently rewriting the script as its now going to continue on from the Solid Venom series.

Continuing on with the writing theme, I've also began writing a new comedy sci-fi series called 'Some Kind of Heroes'. I'm not allowed to give too much away at present until the scripts have been approved, but I'm quite excited about this one.

Anyhow time to chew the fat.

One subject that I know is on everyone's mind in the UK is the price of petrol.
I'm sorry but why is it so frigging expensive again? Mmm, wait... its because we've got a greedy Government!

Okay, yeah I know that the price of Crude Oil and the Dollar has something to do with it too, but its still not an excuse to have it so expensive in the UK compared with mainland Europe.

In France the cost of Unleaded is £1.10 a litre and Diesel is 94p a litre.

So why is it £1.34 for Unleaded and £1.40 for Diesel in the UK??? Why is Diesel so more expensive in the UK that mainland Europe? There is no excuses of it other than its filling the fat-arsed MP's pockets that's all.

This country is on its arse financially, yet our Government feel need to bail out every other country from their financial problems including the banks and its us, the taxpayer that get's the bill for it all. But do we get any financial help to help us pay for everyday things? No! Has our wages increased? No!

In my opinion, if the country wants to get out of this financial struggle, then lower the cost of everything to get people spending again. Without us spending, the financial problem isn't going to get better.
How is the rise in VAT and fuel bills amongst other things helping the economy? It isn't! Who are the ones benefiting from these rises? I'll give you a clue - it isn't us.

Our shitty useless Government need to take a step back and stop thinking about themselves and start thinking about those who put them in power, before we start to see rioting on the streets and our Government being overthrown because its citizens have had enough.

Seriously, sort it!

That's all I've got to say about that! ;-)

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