I would like to thank everyone who's visited my blog this year and I'd like to wish you all wherever you are around the world, a very peaceful and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Peace :)
Friday, 24 December 2010
Monday, 20 December 2010
My Alternative Christmas Message
Source: cheapflights.co.uk |
Absolutely nothing to be honest. Why? Because people are worse off than ever before and who do we have to thank for that? The Government.
Now, I'm not just blaming the morons who are in power at the moment. Most of the blame does have to goto Labour for their hand into making the country poorer.
This year, people are worse off than ever before and next year is going to be worse.
How on earth can the government say we're out of the recession when signs are clearly stating we're far from it.
Next year will see a rise in VAT. Over the past two years it has gone from 15% to 20%, and this next rise is going to help the economy how exactly?
With utility bills expected to rise greatly, along with council taxes, petrol and food, how are the working class people going to cope?
Its all good and proper the government saying they'll be help for the poorer, but the reality is, is that people struggle to get that help in the first place.
When banks and building societies got into financial difficulties, they were bailed out but us, the tax payer, and the government clearly said that we would not have to pay for the bail out.
So what we doing now? Paying for the bail out hence one of the reasons behind the increases in tax.
In my opinion, those who were in trouble should have been forced to close.
It was wrong to bail out companies who got themselves into trouble in the first place.
But the other reason behind the bail out was simple. The government would have lost a large amount of money, which meant the average MP couldn't decorate his office or run around in his shiny new car.
The only place our money is going is into the fat pockets of our money grabbing government.
Source: oldschoolparents.blogspot.com |
2011, will probably see more people out of work as they won't be able to afford to travel to work.
Wages have been frozen in the public sector along with other businesses and major employees. Yet the cost of living continues to rise.
In January 2011, unleaded petrol in the UK is set to rise from 121p a litre to a staggering 130p a litre.
For an average family it will cost them around £60 to fill their car.
So its all good and proper the government and local councils telling you to go green and use public transport instead, but hang on, weren't we all pushed into using unleaded petrol because it was cheaper and greener on the environment, hence why leaded petrol was stopped?
Now, its become expensive and we're now being told its harming the environment - make your mind up!
Plus, who the hell are they to tell us to stop using our cars and travel to work on public transport?
I would love to use public transport, but I was moved into the middle of nowhere where there isn't any public transport available, so leaving my car at home isn't an option and the same could be said for the majority of the country.
But as individuals slip into more debt as they're unable to keep up with payments as their household bills rise. More and more people will file for bankruptcy this year, more businesses will go bust and the public sector services such as police and fire will suffer from budget and jobs cuts.
What are the solutions to get this country going again?
In my opinion, I would cut taxes - make essentials such as food, utility bills and fuel cheap again.
This will put extra money in your pocket and get people spending again as they'll be able to afford to go out and treat themselves once in a while like we used to do in the good old days.
If petrol wasn't so expensive, families would be able to afford to go on trips again, instead of limiting where they go today because their counting the miles so a tank will last them longer.
Stop bailing out failing companies. If there in debt, that's their problem, not ours!
You don't see the government helping small family run businesses do you? No, as I said before, they'll only help those who they profit from to begin with.
End the war! Bring our troops home, back to their families and stop wasting tax payers money trying to find someone we know you don't want to find. C'mon! Its almost been ten years and you still can't find a terrorist leader despite all the technology and intelligence that's available to you?
That is a pure sign that the government is profiting from the war and the reason why Bin-Laden has never been captured. They know where he is, they just don't care.
So, this year Clegg, Cameron and Brown - yes BROWN and the UK government!
While you're tucking into to your expensive Christmas dinners with your family around the table. Admiring your silk shirts and other expensive gifts you can afford to buy for your families.
Hold a thought while you cut into that turkey, for the families who can't afford a proper meal not just for Christmas, but forever until the day comes when life becomes affordable again.
Hold a thought for those who's families have been driven apart because of the mounting pressure of debt and jobs losses they'll face over the coming year. For those who took their own lives because they were unable to cope, for those who are now homeless and are living on the streets with nowhere to go. For those who died in battle while your government profited from their sacrifice, for the children you let down such as Baby Peter who died in pain because of government bodies failed to do their jobs properly again and for the students who are unable to continue with their further education because its too expensive.
Finally, hold a thought for everyone who voted you all in, these are ones who you've let down once again.
Enjoy Christmas with your families boys, don't waste your time thinking about us. Hell we are the ones who have probably paid for it all.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, 29 November 2010
What You Waiting For?
Source: Livecloud.com |
Its not like the forecasters don't warn council's that the big freeze is coming, yet, the roads are never cleared despite council officials stating on the television - "That there ready!". Ready for what? You're frigging kettle to boil?
I've never known a country like it where we get a cold spell and we fall apart, totally can't handle it.
Jesus, God help you if you live in Russia, Canada, Alaska, North America, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark - the list could just keep on going. They seem to cope okay. Their roads are cleared around the clock to make sure there's less disruption for travellers, but in the UK, we get excuses to why snow ploughs and gritters haven't taken to the streets.
Seriously, get your finger from out of your arses and get working! Start putting some of our expensive council tax to some bloody use! The warnings are there and have been in place for over a week. There's no excuse!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Dangerous or Misunderstood?
Source: morethings.com |
What would the planet be like if there was no religion? Would we all be living in peace or would they be half as much blood shed and anger as there is right now?
It really is a tough question to answer, isn't it?
Besides, isn't the one message that is mentioned in all religions is that of love and that everyone should live as one?
If you actually read the holy book for yourself, page for page, and set aside any preachings you may have heard based around your religion. You may find a different perspective to the story that you might have been told.
Whoa! I hear you cry, but hear me out.
When you go to church you hear the opinions and translations of the holy book from a preacher or priest.
But if you think about it, that's their translation, their opinion, not yours and its these one sided opinions that people take for granted without reading up on everything themselves which then may lead to confusion, hatred or misinterpretation of the book hence why extremistism exists and its why I also choose not to go to church.
Now as you can gather I'm not religious but it doesn't mean I disrespect anyone else's beliefs.
Today there are so many different religions around the world you can choose to follow and there's also a few establishments that are trying to seek religious status across the world today.
One such establishment of which is the most controversial and most talked about is 'Scientology'.
Everyone knows there are two sides to every story and the story of Scientology is fast becoming a one-sided one.
L. Ron Hubbard (pictured below), was an author of Science-Fiction novels and from reading his background story, a sad, lonely individual who found escapism by establishing Scientology.
In my opinion, I can't seem to grasp the true nature of Scientology. In one hand it seems Scientology was set up for individuals who were going through the same torment as Hubbard, and this place was basically a big shoulder to cry on and to seek a state of comfort. Something which they never got from family or loved ones hence why its become a popular place to go.
But in the other hand, it also comes across as a tree-house club. Something a big kid created and thought it would be hilarious to set up an establishment, take ideas from a Sci-Fi book and use them as fact for its existence. Then as this club became popular amongst its members, it seems that this joke started getting out of hand and some people started taking the 'club facts' a bit too literally.
So what do you do when something like this starts to get out of hand? You continue to play on it and find more ways to manipulate the situation, which then becomes the basis to make some easy money, and so on, and so on.
Scientology is desperate to seek 'religious' status in the countries its based in. Its members see it as a religion, but others including court Judges see it as a money making cult. I personally see it as a messed up Salvation Army more than anything.
Yes, it does help people that need comfort and reassurance when they need it. There is nothing wrong with that what-so-ever, its great that people take time out to help others at a time in need.
Yes, its good to meet people who've had similar experiences as yourself and you make new friends, people you can relate to.
I've read blog's from non practising and ex-Scientologists who do criticise the 'Church' for some of the things they do or have done. However, they also say a lot of positive things about them, like how they've put a certain perspective on their lives which has helped them through a lot of negativity.
But the main issue that a lot of people has with Scientology, is the hatred that establishment can cause amongst its members towards others and this has been said by a lot of its ex-members.
Looking at videos of interviews that are circulating the likes of You Tube. This establishment seems to tear families and friends apart.
Why? Because it happened to its founder Hubbard, so if its happened to him, then why should anyone else live in happiness?
It seems one of the messages they bring across to its members is that your problems begin at home. So the only way to solve those problems is to cut yourself off from your family. Which in my opinion is not solving them, but making matters worse by running away from them.
I personally believe that you must confront the demons that taunt you, not run away from them as they always find you in the end.
Image Source: cultnews.com |
Another issues that stands in their way of becoming a religion is the so-called 'brainwashing' preaching, using questionable technology to cleanse your soul and the all-time favourite, the technique of following people or attempt to destroy their lives who have a negative or alternative opinion about Scientology.
Journalists, ex-members or those who have things to say have all fallen victim of this harassment and discrimination of some sort.
This has even been confirmed by one of their ex-leaders recently on television in the UK.
What kind of 'religion' does that? Aren't those people entitled to an opinion? Scientology doesn't think so, and its those reasons why courts and governments won't recognise them as a 'religion'.
I've watched videos and programmes about Scientology from both the establishment themselves, television documentaries and from actual members and ex-members. These videos have been interesting, at times confusing and slightly disturbing in parts.
If establishments like Scientology helped its members more by using known and approved methods of help, support them to regain that connection they've lost with their families and friends and stop taking money from its members just to boost their own pockets, then maybe and I mean 'just maybe' people and governments may start to take a different view on them.
Overall, this is my opinion from what I've seen. I've seen both sides of the story and watched videos with great interest, as I've never seen anything like this or heard so much hype over a thing like Scientology.
I can see the intention of this establishment to do something good in people's lives. But I can also see the damage its doing to people's lives.
However, as I said in the beginning, I respect other peoples opinions and beliefs so I wish all its members well and the establishment a lot of luck doing what they believe makes its members happy.
But good luck on getting that 'religious' status as at present everything is going against you unless you change your ways for the greater good.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Saw This One Coming!
So Sky have announced that they're closing two channels which they've recently acquired when they took over the bloody world of television.
Channel One was re-branded from Virgin 1 only two weeks ago. What a waste of money that must have been to re-brand a channel only to close it. But this is Murdoch we're talking about. The guy who wants world domination by buying every network and cable operator out there. Where there's Murdoch, they'll be no competition. Speaking of competition, where the hell are OFCOM?? Which bright spark allowed this to happen?
Its clearly seen that Sky have got rid of its competition. Both channels have shown UK premieres of shows that Sky failed to obtain, so they've gone in through the back door like a spoilt child and got what they want.
Sky's excuse for the closure of Channel One was down to its schedule being too similar to Sky3, another channel which broadcasts on Freeview.
What? Can't two entertainment channels co-exist on one platform? Isn't that what Freeview needs more entertainment and less shopping? Obviously not, and why? Because Sky3 was being out done by Channel One and poor little Sky hates it when other channels get the better of them.
So what have Sky planned to replace Channel One with on Freeview? A bloody games channel showing repeats of game shows from the 80's! Woo!
As for Bravo, I'm sad to see this one go as its been around for over twenty years. Another great loss and all because it was out classing its rival entertainment channels after buying programmes like Spartacus which saw the channel get high ratings on a satellite platform.
Sky have announced that it plans on spreading the programmes from both channels across Living TV and Sky3.
More like the decent stuff stays on Pay-TV while the crap stays with Sky3 on Free-TV.
Thanks Sky!
Channel One was re-branded from Virgin 1 only two weeks ago. What a waste of money that must have been to re-brand a channel only to close it. But this is Murdoch we're talking about. The guy who wants world domination by buying every network and cable operator out there. Where there's Murdoch, they'll be no competition. Speaking of competition, where the hell are OFCOM?? Which bright spark allowed this to happen?
Its clearly seen that Sky have got rid of its competition. Both channels have shown UK premieres of shows that Sky failed to obtain, so they've gone in through the back door like a spoilt child and got what they want.
Sky's excuse for the closure of Channel One was down to its schedule being too similar to Sky3, another channel which broadcasts on Freeview.
What? Can't two entertainment channels co-exist on one platform? Isn't that what Freeview needs more entertainment and less shopping? Obviously not, and why? Because Sky3 was being out done by Channel One and poor little Sky hates it when other channels get the better of them.
So what have Sky planned to replace Channel One with on Freeview? A bloody games channel showing repeats of game shows from the 80's! Woo!
As for Bravo, I'm sad to see this one go as its been around for over twenty years. Another great loss and all because it was out classing its rival entertainment channels after buying programmes like Spartacus which saw the channel get high ratings on a satellite platform.
Sky have announced that it plans on spreading the programmes from both channels across Living TV and Sky3.
More like the decent stuff stays on Pay-TV while the crap stays with Sky3 on Free-TV.
Thanks Sky!
Hope Your Happy Now!
(Picture: Atlantic Council) |
Seriously are we surprised? Erm... not really no.
Is it going to get better? Erm... not while the Government think of more ways to rob from the poor and give to the rich.
The only way this country will see any improvement in spending would be to make things affordable again and up the wage and ease taxes for the poorly paid.
Ahahahaha! Who the hell am I trying to kid? This is the Government where nobody gives a toss about anyone who voted them in. The only people they care about are themselves and their deep pockets.
To be honest, how many of you can honestly say you've got full satisfaction from your local council, councillor or MP? Very few of you because they just don't seriously care. We voted them in, give them a job and we get shat on from a great height.
This country doesn't need higher taxes, spending cuts, more job losses.
What would we benefit from when VAT is raised to 20% in January 2011? Nothing. I believe this will bring the country firmly down to its knees and for what? Hmm?
Petrol in the UK is expected to soar to £1.30 (US $2.02) a litre on Unleaded, £1.50 (US $2.33) on Diesel by the new year.
How is that going to help the economy? On the average 1.6 litre motorcar, a tank of unleaded petrol can cost on average £60 to fill.
So how are the Government expecting people to continue using their cars if petrol can rise to £100 a tank?
People will stop using their cars, people will have to get a second job to meet payments on bills their primary job won't no longer cover, people might even leave their jobs because its too expensive for them to travel to work on a daily basis.
On top of that, the Government plan on taxing food items that aren't covered by VAT. So when food prices rise what's going to happen to people who can just afford a week's worth of shopping? What's going to happen when utility bills soar? The list can go on and on.
I'll give it a year before we start hearing of more businesses collapsing or taking their companies abroad, more redundancies and more bankruptcies.
More people are leaving the UK because its become to expensive to live in their own country.
The people who should be hit hardest on tax are the rich, not the poor, not the people who work long hours to earn enough so they can afford to pay a gas bill or a week's worth of food.
If the Government want people to start spending and give the economy the boost it needs, then they're going to have to make thing more affordable again so people will spend, spend, spend.
Drop down VAT to 9%, get rid of council tax. We coped without it in the past and we can cope without it again.
Half petrol prices, it can be done especially when the oil companies are boasting about the millions their making in so many months.
In all honestly, all this is falling on the deaf and dumb isn't it? Why? Because if they gave up all that extra money, how else will they afford their big polluting cars, flights around the world, holiday homes, their second homes, their office refurbishments, their unfaithful marriages and porn stash?
Its great living in a country where its elected Government care. God bless everyone of them!
Friday, 3 September 2010
Let It Burn!
Well its been two months since I was last feeling a bit on the 'downside' should I say about a great deal that was going in life.
But after taking a big step back, I've now taken a giant leap forward, after redefining my issues and reigniting that spark again.
I guess all I needed was a bit of a breather.
I've been working constantly with 'Christian' for the past five years and making amends with a lot of it, certainly did take its toll, but on top of that I was dealing with some personal issues too that were knocking me on my arse. Trying to juggle all that would certainly knock the strongest contender on their arses.
But after getting things back on track and looking at the 15-hours of rushes we got so far along with seeing some scenes edited together, plus the first teaser trailer now released. Its added fuel to my fire which is now burning brighter than ever.
My love for film is back! I've already wrote a few synopsis for more production ideas for both screen and radio. I've been working as an actor again including doing voice-over work for other productions and even been offered a chance to make a return to radio, which could happen later in the new year.
But my priority at present is 'Christian' and getting that completed, promoted, sold and out-there!
The feedback from the footage I've released so-far has been very positive.
One fellow-tweeter told me its like 'Torchwood' and 'Angel' rolled into one, which I thought was a nice complement.
I've also noticed recently that another major studio have also started to follow us on both twitter and the official website, so its certainly getting noticed.
As for developing 'Christian' into a television series, well that is certainly beginning to take shape. I've been passed ideas for new characters and story-lines, plus been writing a few ideas down myself.
However, with a possible private funder wanting to talk as well as a UK broadcaster showing interest at picking up the series. I seriously need to sit back and look at how to move this project forward, especially being the creator, writer and director. I need to think what stories would make a great television programme that a world-wide audience would want to watch or it could end up being a one season wonder.
During the current shoot I've had ideas being thrown at me from all directions. Yeah, its been great watching the cast make the characters their own and filming ideas that have been suggested throughout have been very creative. But I need to start tightening the reigns again and look at every idea being passed to me and think would that idea seriously work in a series? Its those decisions as creator, writer and director of 'Christian' I need to make, especially when there's the potential of funding and a major UK broadcaster showing interest.
I need to make the right decisions that will bring these people on board. Hell, they will have major input on the production if they do come on board as its their money at the end of the day, and they'll most certainly would want to make sure their money is invested wisely, so they could even over-rule my decisions on anything. There's nothing stopping them sacking everyone and bringing in a whole new team. Or they could be prepared to work with the crew I've got now and expand on that.
But all that matters right now is that we do things right with this feature length pilot, otherwise we won't get a series or funding. It would be five-years work thrown away and I'm not prepared to let that happen.
Personally and this is coming from the horse's mouth no matter what's been said on the 'rumour mill'. I believe I've got a fantastic cast, who have worked their arses off despite the working conditions I've put them through and I'm truly proud of the work they've done. I can't say a bad thing about any of them and the same can be said about the crew.
After seeing some of the footage that's been produced, I'm now going to take the bull by its horns and make sure that we finish what's been started and we continue to produce the same results we've seen so far.
Also, one of the most positive ways to continue getting the results I need is to crack the whip and bring an end to the 'rumour mill' that I keep hearing about.
That's playground banter and if anyone has a problem with someone, you should confront that person directly and not through a third person who might tell you anything that might fuel the fire more without hearing it direct.
There's nothing more I hate than chinese whispers amongst people who love to milk the facts.
At the end of the day, If there is a problem, yeah let me know about it and I'll give you the best possible advice as an employer on what to do.Or if you've heard certain 'rumours' about things, I'll tell you straight whether these 'rumours' are true or not. I mean I am the director after all, its me who's got hold of the reigns and got control of this horse, no-one else. Everyone knows their place on this production and I expect those jobs to be done. If there are problems then I'll sort them out, but what everyone has to realise is that the director get's the final say, no-one else and if some people don't like that, then that's their problem nobody else's - simples!
As for Jerry's final thoughts - Keep up the great work. As you can see from the footage released, things are looking good and the production has started to get noticed.
Again, if you've got questions or want to verify rumours or other matters that are floating about. I would like to hear from you direct, even if its just a simple 'hello' to let me know how your doing as I've rarely hear from you. Its good to talk! :D
They'll also be another trailer being released over the coming weeks along with some behind the scenes footage I'm also working on.
See told you the flame was on high ;D
But after taking a big step back, I've now taken a giant leap forward, after redefining my issues and reigniting that spark again.
I guess all I needed was a bit of a breather.
I've been working constantly with 'Christian' for the past five years and making amends with a lot of it, certainly did take its toll, but on top of that I was dealing with some personal issues too that were knocking me on my arse. Trying to juggle all that would certainly knock the strongest contender on their arses.
But after getting things back on track and looking at the 15-hours of rushes we got so far along with seeing some scenes edited together, plus the first teaser trailer now released. Its added fuel to my fire which is now burning brighter than ever.
My love for film is back! I've already wrote a few synopsis for more production ideas for both screen and radio. I've been working as an actor again including doing voice-over work for other productions and even been offered a chance to make a return to radio, which could happen later in the new year.
But my priority at present is 'Christian' and getting that completed, promoted, sold and out-there!
The feedback from the footage I've released so-far has been very positive.
One fellow-tweeter told me its like 'Torchwood' and 'Angel' rolled into one, which I thought was a nice complement.
I've also noticed recently that another major studio have also started to follow us on both twitter and the official website, so its certainly getting noticed.
As for developing 'Christian' into a television series, well that is certainly beginning to take shape. I've been passed ideas for new characters and story-lines, plus been writing a few ideas down myself.
However, with a possible private funder wanting to talk as well as a UK broadcaster showing interest at picking up the series. I seriously need to sit back and look at how to move this project forward, especially being the creator, writer and director. I need to think what stories would make a great television programme that a world-wide audience would want to watch or it could end up being a one season wonder.
During the current shoot I've had ideas being thrown at me from all directions. Yeah, its been great watching the cast make the characters their own and filming ideas that have been suggested throughout have been very creative. But I need to start tightening the reigns again and look at every idea being passed to me and think would that idea seriously work in a series? Its those decisions as creator, writer and director of 'Christian' I need to make, especially when there's the potential of funding and a major UK broadcaster showing interest.
I need to make the right decisions that will bring these people on board. Hell, they will have major input on the production if they do come on board as its their money at the end of the day, and they'll most certainly would want to make sure their money is invested wisely, so they could even over-rule my decisions on anything. There's nothing stopping them sacking everyone and bringing in a whole new team. Or they could be prepared to work with the crew I've got now and expand on that.
But all that matters right now is that we do things right with this feature length pilot, otherwise we won't get a series or funding. It would be five-years work thrown away and I'm not prepared to let that happen.
Personally and this is coming from the horse's mouth no matter what's been said on the 'rumour mill'. I believe I've got a fantastic cast, who have worked their arses off despite the working conditions I've put them through and I'm truly proud of the work they've done. I can't say a bad thing about any of them and the same can be said about the crew.
After seeing some of the footage that's been produced, I'm now going to take the bull by its horns and make sure that we finish what's been started and we continue to produce the same results we've seen so far.
Also, one of the most positive ways to continue getting the results I need is to crack the whip and bring an end to the 'rumour mill' that I keep hearing about.
That's playground banter and if anyone has a problem with someone, you should confront that person directly and not through a third person who might tell you anything that might fuel the fire more without hearing it direct.
There's nothing more I hate than chinese whispers amongst people who love to milk the facts.
At the end of the day, If there is a problem, yeah let me know about it and I'll give you the best possible advice as an employer on what to do.Or if you've heard certain 'rumours' about things, I'll tell you straight whether these 'rumours' are true or not. I mean I am the director after all, its me who's got hold of the reigns and got control of this horse, no-one else. Everyone knows their place on this production and I expect those jobs to be done. If there are problems then I'll sort them out, but what everyone has to realise is that the director get's the final say, no-one else and if some people don't like that, then that's their problem nobody else's - simples!
As for Jerry's final thoughts - Keep up the great work. As you can see from the footage released, things are looking good and the production has started to get noticed.
Again, if you've got questions or want to verify rumours or other matters that are floating about. I would like to hear from you direct, even if its just a simple 'hello' to let me know how your doing as I've rarely hear from you. Its good to talk! :D
They'll also be another trailer being released over the coming weeks along with some behind the scenes footage I'm also working on.
See told you the flame was on high ;D
Do You Blame Them?
Picture: Craig Greenhill |
I heard on the radio that Guns n'Roses walked off stage at a gig in Dublin after fans pelted the group with bottles for being late.
Yeah okay, the group were late on stage but can you seriously blame them for walking off after the actions of their 'so-called' fans?
I seriously can't and if I was in their shoes, I'd do exactly the same.
So what if they were late! At least you still got to see them perform. I'd be more pissed off if they didn't show up at all, then fair enough you'd have a good excuse to kick off big time as your money and time had been wasted.
As for the gig being cut short, then to be honest the only one's to blame for that are the fans.
Hope your happy with yourselves and good luck in getting a refund as its your fault not the band's or promoters the gig was cut short. Why the hell should you be entitled to your money back? The band should keep it as compensation for having their time wasted.
Friday, 23 July 2010
What to do?
Its taken over five years from writing to filming my production 'Christian' and over twenty years to finally film my first feature.
From the initial ideas of the storyline to the build up of filming, I was very excited to finally begin work on my first major project.
I've done short films and corporate productions in the past, even done some acting too. All of it was great and exciting to work on.
But now, I feel like the magic has been taken away from me.
Whether its because of the lack of sleep I've had over the past six weeks during the shoot or its just something else. But my views and ambitions for the industry have taken a downward path and I'm unsure whether I want to turn back.
Film is something I've always loved from an early age. Its always been a dream of mine to work in film or television.
I always went to the cinema on my own as I found it a great place to escape the troubles I was experiencing when I was younger.
It was my place to relax and it made me forget about my worries even if it was for just two hours.
Now, for some strange reason. My views towards the industry have changed, leaving me with serious doubt that after thirty years of pursuing my dreams, whether I should have listened to those who have never really supported me and took that step back to think - is this actually the career for me?
Some of you who know me and are reading this will be quiet surprised at what I'm writing.
But the truth of the matter is, I'm seriously fed up of trying to prove myself. Its been a constant up hill battle to convince people that it can be a great, exciting job to work in no matter how big or small the work can be. But because of the constant disagreements and lack of support throughout my life with people its left me feeling quite sad and unfulfilled.
Over the years, I've walked onto sets, professional and amateur, and its given me an overwhelming 'buzz' just being there either watching people being creative or being part of a production team as an actor or cameraman. Its also given me a lot of respect for those doing this work as its not an easy job bringing a script to the screen, and those who think it is seriously need a reality check.
That 'buzz' I mentioned is an experience in life which gives you a tingle of electricity inside your body and makes the hair's on the back of your neck stand up because your overwhelmed with excitement.
But as time has gone on, I feel like that 'buzz' has disappeared.
For some reason I woke up the other day and thought is this really what I want? Am I chasing a dead dream from my younger days that's seriously beginning to bring me down? What true support have I had throughout my pursuit of happiness except from a small majority of people?
I think this reality check has hit home during the shoot of 'Christian'. I've started feeling lost, annoyed, depressed and my love of film fading fast.
I used to go home from a day's work and watch a film to relax.Watching movies gave me inspiration to shoot 'Christian' and write more projects. But it just doesn't do it anymore and I think its this shoot that has seriously knocked me on my ass.
Now I'll have to put my hands up and be honest to say its not been a smooth running production, its been far from it.
From the moment we started shooting, problems tainted the production from locations and businesses dropping out last minute, frustrations from cast and crew because of the schedule constantly changing, technical problems and no major financial support throughout. Because of this I've slowly begun to hate this industry with a passion.
I think if you've got the connections and the money, then film making is definitely a job to do. But if you've got little to no support from businesses and people, trying to keep a healthy relationship with your friends and keep your sanity all at the same time. Then I'll advise you against it, because all its done to me is turned me against something I've loved all my life and put friendships at risk. To be honest, its not worth it.
At the end of it all, I hope all the hard work and time gone into this production does pay off. As its fast becoming my last production I ever want to be involved in. Its going to take a lot of convincing to haul me back into the game not just for the above reason, but for several more.
From the initial ideas of the storyline to the build up of filming, I was very excited to finally begin work on my first major project.
I've done short films and corporate productions in the past, even done some acting too. All of it was great and exciting to work on.
But now, I feel like the magic has been taken away from me.
Whether its because of the lack of sleep I've had over the past six weeks during the shoot or its just something else. But my views and ambitions for the industry have taken a downward path and I'm unsure whether I want to turn back.
Film is something I've always loved from an early age. Its always been a dream of mine to work in film or television.
I always went to the cinema on my own as I found it a great place to escape the troubles I was experiencing when I was younger.
It was my place to relax and it made me forget about my worries even if it was for just two hours.
Now, for some strange reason. My views towards the industry have changed, leaving me with serious doubt that after thirty years of pursuing my dreams, whether I should have listened to those who have never really supported me and took that step back to think - is this actually the career for me?
Some of you who know me and are reading this will be quiet surprised at what I'm writing.
But the truth of the matter is, I'm seriously fed up of trying to prove myself. Its been a constant up hill battle to convince people that it can be a great, exciting job to work in no matter how big or small the work can be. But because of the constant disagreements and lack of support throughout my life with people its left me feeling quite sad and unfulfilled.
Over the years, I've walked onto sets, professional and amateur, and its given me an overwhelming 'buzz' just being there either watching people being creative or being part of a production team as an actor or cameraman. Its also given me a lot of respect for those doing this work as its not an easy job bringing a script to the screen, and those who think it is seriously need a reality check.
That 'buzz' I mentioned is an experience in life which gives you a tingle of electricity inside your body and makes the hair's on the back of your neck stand up because your overwhelmed with excitement.
But as time has gone on, I feel like that 'buzz' has disappeared.
For some reason I woke up the other day and thought is this really what I want? Am I chasing a dead dream from my younger days that's seriously beginning to bring me down? What true support have I had throughout my pursuit of happiness except from a small majority of people?
I think this reality check has hit home during the shoot of 'Christian'. I've started feeling lost, annoyed, depressed and my love of film fading fast.
I used to go home from a day's work and watch a film to relax.Watching movies gave me inspiration to shoot 'Christian' and write more projects. But it just doesn't do it anymore and I think its this shoot that has seriously knocked me on my ass.
Now I'll have to put my hands up and be honest to say its not been a smooth running production, its been far from it.
From the moment we started shooting, problems tainted the production from locations and businesses dropping out last minute, frustrations from cast and crew because of the schedule constantly changing, technical problems and no major financial support throughout. Because of this I've slowly begun to hate this industry with a passion.
I think if you've got the connections and the money, then film making is definitely a job to do. But if you've got little to no support from businesses and people, trying to keep a healthy relationship with your friends and keep your sanity all at the same time. Then I'll advise you against it, because all its done to me is turned me against something I've loved all my life and put friendships at risk. To be honest, its not worth it.
At the end of it all, I hope all the hard work and time gone into this production does pay off. As its fast becoming my last production I ever want to be involved in. Its going to take a lot of convincing to haul me back into the game not just for the above reason, but for several more.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Well, where do I start my rant about our so-called World Cup team?
I know a few of you may well defend them, but in all honesty their hearts and souls were not in that tournament what-so-ever. If it was, we would have seen matches like we saw in the qualifiers but we didn't.
Yesterday's defeat against Germany could have been a spectacular match, but it wasn't. In fact, the England squad should have taken notes on how to play quality football just like the Germans displayed.
Our team were a complete joke. The players are no longer in it for the game or the love of football, but for the "stunning" wags, the overpaid paycheck, sponsorship deals and publicity and its all this crap that is ruining the game so many of us love.
Something else I don't understand is why are we playing the same crap players in these tournaments, when they've never managed to win anything in the past? Nevermind sacking the manager, get rid of these numpties who can't play. Bring in a fresh pair of legs, some younger talent who would put the effort in and not roll around on the floor or try pot luck shots at goal to make attempts at getting their faces on the front page as heroes when they're simply not.
Anyway, kudos to the Germans. You played far superior to us and you deserve to go through.
As for England, hang your heads in shame. You're not worth the press coverage, the paycheck or to wear an England shirt. You best go now and think about what you've done. Now go on, bugger off down your own end before I tell your father!
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Christian - Production Update
Filming began on the new Dracula film 'Christian' in Whitby, North Yorkshire.
The Monk's Haven Cafe was the setting for the first three scenes filmed on Monday and Tuesday night with Carl Isherwood (above), David Brown and Sarah Robinson all giving great performances.
The first day's shoot always is the 'bum squeaker' for me as you never know what could happen.
But thankfully all went well. There were a few funny moments during the shoot and the odd joke being played on David (Det. Richards) as an ice-breaker to relax everyone which seemed to have done the trick.
The only one problem we've had so far is the damn British Summer weather being a pain again.
Its done nothing but rain, and rain hard in Whitby since Sunday, which has forced us to reschedule a couple of days filming until the weather improves allegedly next week.
But if all goes well (weather wise) we should be filming the vampire scenes, where the actors get to don the old prosthetics and teeth. A moment I'm excited to see, especially seeing Carl (Christian) in his full vampire slaying wardrobe and Dracula on set marking his return to Whitby, which will no doubt excite the crowds.
I'll be posting more on here plus you can keep upto date with things on the official movie site and facebook page.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Camera's Roll Soon!
It's taken five years to write and nine months of pre-production work before we finally start cameras rolling on 'Christian'.
To say my nerves are shot would be a big fat fib, I'm like jelly at the moment as I've got so much riding on this production and the excitement that its created amongst people has been scary. But, I have a vision for this film and if I stay focused and work past the obstacles that come my way then I'm sure everything will turn out fine.
I've got a great cast and crew who are very excited to get things rolling, but I can't believe how fast its all come about.
Ahh well, here it goes. At 6pm on 7th of June 2010, the first scene will begin shooting in Whitby. Fingers crossed it all goes well.
By the way, that's the new poster! :)
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Dr Screw?
So, 43 people out of how many millions have complained about last Saturday's (01/05/10) episode of 'Doctor Who'.
Those 43 people including Mediawatch UK thought the scene where Amy Pond tries to undress the Doctor and jokes that its been a long time since he had some loving was deemed inappropriate for a children's programme.
Hang on? (Screeeeeeech!) Since when has Doctor Who been a children's programme? Its not on the CBBC channel is it? No! Its shown in the prime-time schedule isn't it? Yes! So who classed it as a kids programme? Gee let me think.... I'm guessing the one's who are making a mountain out of a mole-hill over this whole thing.
The scene probably went over most kids heads anyway. Its obviously the Mary Whitehouse club stirring the pot because they got nothing else to do. So here's an idea. Why don't those 43 people get together and create a club where you all take turns to jump off a cliff.
Stop being pathetic people, its just a television programme. One of which is a prime-time show and NOT a kids programme. Oh by the way, the kids version of this is actually 'The Sarah Jane Adventures'. Get it right!
Stop Moaning!
Okay, so you've got an idiot who decides to bring a baseball game to a stand still, as he runs amock around the pitch like a kid who's broke free from his reigns.
But then, Mr Policeman comes along with his friend Mr Tazer and shoots him bang on in the back, bringing the whole thing to an abrupt end.
The guy is then escorted off the pitch and arrested. No harm done.
So what the hell is the problem? Did the officer go over the top by shooting him with a tazer? Erm, no. I don't think so. Especially as this idiot brought a game to a halt, threw a fence and sent staff on a goose chase around the pitch all in the name of fun.
I think the officer made the right choice. It stopped the idiot, he was unharmed and was quickly escorted off the pitch so the game could continue. What's wrong with that? Answer... Nothing!
Kudos to the Officer and nice shooting by the way :)
But then, Mr Policeman comes along with his friend Mr Tazer and shoots him bang on in the back, bringing the whole thing to an abrupt end.
The guy is then escorted off the pitch and arrested. No harm done.
So what the hell is the problem? Did the officer go over the top by shooting him with a tazer? Erm, no. I don't think so. Especially as this idiot brought a game to a halt, threw a fence and sent staff on a goose chase around the pitch all in the name of fun.
I think the officer made the right choice. It stopped the idiot, he was unharmed and was quickly escorted off the pitch so the game could continue. What's wrong with that? Answer... Nothing!
Kudos to the Officer and nice shooting by the way :)
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Busy Couple of Weeks
Its been a few months since I last wrote on here, but its all been go-go-go!
Filming in on course for its June start, with a trailer hopefully out by August.
If everything goes to plan (which normally it doesn't) we'll be entering the film in the British Horror Film Festival in Bournemouth and several other film festivals throughout 2010/11. Before that we'll be hoping to premiere the film in Whitby with the location to be announced.
Keep updated with the production by visiting the official film's website - http://www.christianmovie.co.uk/
Keep smilin' peeps :)
We've finally cast the five main characters in my Dracula movie 'Christian', after auditions were held in March and April. So a press release will be out shortly revealing those lucky devils. Along with a call for extras and supporting cast for the remaining parts.
I'm still trailing through the soundtrack applications. We had hundreds sent to us and we have to narrow it down to around six to eight artists/composers.
Got the first test footage through of some CGI effects for my film and they look awesome!
If everything goes to plan (which normally it doesn't) we'll be entering the film in the British Horror Film Festival in Bournemouth and several other film festivals throughout 2010/11. Before that we'll be hoping to premiere the film in Whitby with the location to be announced.
Keep updated with the production by visiting the official film's website - http://www.christianmovie.co.uk/
Keep smilin' peeps :)
Monday, 8 February 2010
Production News - Christian Trailers
As promised here's the links to the two teaser trailers from the film "Christian" which I've written and directing in Whitby, North Yorkshire.
We've got open auditions ongoing at the moment for four characters in the film. For more details check out http://www.christianmovie.co.uk/
Teaser 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cgIowqCAHc
Teaser 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx6YKBLmZXs
More coming soon:)
We've got open auditions ongoing at the moment for four characters in the film. For more details check out http://www.christianmovie.co.uk/
Teaser 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cgIowqCAHc
Teaser 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx6YKBLmZXs
More coming soon:)
Friday, 5 February 2010
Productions News - Christian
Filming recommenced on my directoral debut feature 'Christian', which is filming in Whitby, North Yorkshire.
The images above are from last night's shoot before the weather turned on us again and we had to wrap early thanks to rain.
In the images is actress Heather Matthews who is playing the character Sophia, a vampire and ex-lover of Christian.
In this scene, Sophia and Christian conflict with each other, but Christian can't bring himself to kill Sophia as he still has feelings for her and knows there is still some good inside of her.
They be more images from the production when we process them.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
US TV Networks
Is anything on US TV safe anymore?
It seems that when a programme becomes successful not only in the States, but around the world, it suddenly gets cancelled.
Why? Just because its lost half a million viewers, that isn't a reason to cancel something! You're forgetting the billions around the world are watching it.
The latest victim to get the snip is ABC's Ugly Betty. This is a show I didn't expect to the get the chop at all.
But there are other shows that I believe have had unfair early exits.
Shows like "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicals", "Firefly", "Dollhouse", and "Knight Rider". All big shows with a huge fan base, but cancelled after one or two seasons.
US stations aren't giving these programmes enough time to thrive.
Family Guy was cancelled three times by different stations before Fox bought the rights and gave it the boost it needed. Now its bigger than The Simpsons!
Take note, ABC, CBS and CW, give shows a chance. If its failing then bringing in new writers for the next season until you get it right!
By the way, what is your problem with Joss Wheldon??? That guy has brought fantastic shows to the small screen yet the network's sack him off after the first season (except Buffy and Angel). Give him a break!
It seems that when a programme becomes successful not only in the States, but around the world, it suddenly gets cancelled.
Why? Just because its lost half a million viewers, that isn't a reason to cancel something! You're forgetting the billions around the world are watching it.
The latest victim to get the snip is ABC's Ugly Betty. This is a show I didn't expect to the get the chop at all.
But there are other shows that I believe have had unfair early exits.
Shows like "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicals", "Firefly", "Dollhouse", and "Knight Rider". All big shows with a huge fan base, but cancelled after one or two seasons.
US stations aren't giving these programmes enough time to thrive.
Family Guy was cancelled three times by different stations before Fox bought the rights and gave it the boost it needed. Now its bigger than The Simpsons!
Take note, ABC, CBS and CW, give shows a chance. If its failing then bringing in new writers for the next season until you get it right!
By the way, what is your problem with Joss Wheldon??? That guy has brought fantastic shows to the small screen yet the network's sack him off after the first season (except Buffy and Angel). Give him a break!
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Well Done Ricky!
Well done Mr Gervais for doing a great job presenting the Golden Globes at the weekend.
You could see one or two peeps in the crowd cringing at his jokes, but he doesn't careless. Its his act, his nature to rip into people and fans of the 11 o'clock show will know that from his stint on there.
The best gags of the night had to be the introduction to Mel Gibson and Angelina Jolie adoption dig at the start of the show, priceless.
And as he said "Who cares? I'm not doing this again", so what had to lose? Nothing.
Its a shame he hasn't been approached to host the Oscars, as that would certainly be worth watching.
You could see one or two peeps in the crowd cringing at his jokes, but he doesn't careless. Its his act, his nature to rip into people and fans of the 11 o'clock show will know that from his stint on there.
The best gags of the night had to be the introduction to Mel Gibson and Angelina Jolie adoption dig at the start of the show, priceless.
And as he said "Who cares? I'm not doing this again", so what had to lose? Nothing.
Its a shame he hasn't been approached to host the Oscars, as that would certainly be worth watching.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Writing Again
I seem to have got the writing bug.
I've been writing for five years on and off, dabbling with a few screenplays here and there, but never really did anything with them.
Now, my brain just won't stop ticking over with ideas. Its like I've opened Pandora's Box and its flooding my mind.
I'm already shooting two films this year, maybe a third in 2011.
I guess I'm a creative person. Over the year's I've branched out with my trades going from cameraman to stand-up comedian and actor. This year I'm now directing my first feature. I guess I just kept my options open to me occupied.
Maybe one day I do it professionally and jack my dead end job in.
Let's see what 2010 brings.
I've been writing for five years on and off, dabbling with a few screenplays here and there, but never really did anything with them.
Now, my brain just won't stop ticking over with ideas. Its like I've opened Pandora's Box and its flooding my mind.
I'm already shooting two films this year, maybe a third in 2011.
I guess I'm a creative person. Over the year's I've branched out with my trades going from cameraman to stand-up comedian and actor. This year I'm now directing my first feature. I guess I just kept my options open to me occupied.
Maybe one day I do it professionally and jack my dead end job in.
Let's see what 2010 brings.
Embarrassing illnesses
How come some people can't see their doctor because they have an embarrassing illness. Yet, they can quite happily go on national television and tell the country about it.
Erm... Hello! We all know that you have a tiny penis and it doesn't work properly. But we wouldn't have known that if you had gone to your GP who would have kept that between you both.
I just don't get some people... Next!
Erm... Hello! We all know that you have a tiny penis and it doesn't work properly. But we wouldn't have known that if you had gone to your GP who would have kept that between you both.
I just don't get some people... Next!
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Creative Head Back On!
Okay, Christmas is over and done with for another year so its time I got my creative head back on concentrate on Christian.
For those who don't know, I've written and currently directing a Dracula movie, currently shooting in Whitby, North Yorkshire - called Christian (www.christianmovie.co.uk).
We started shooting some scenes in November 2009, but thanks to the bad weather and Swine Flu we've had to put the production on hold.
Thankfully, we're all back full health and production is to recommence later this month.
But now I've mentioned that its probably going to snow like hell until March or something and put production back a few months, which can't afford to do as we have to have it completed by August ready for the Bram Stoker Film Festival in October.
Meanwhile, the film has been getting a lot of publicity from local tabloids and we've had a few major film studios keeping an eye on our site and our official twitter page.
Work has started on the CGI. There's a lot to do including a fair bit of green screen performing to be done which I think is going to take up a majority of the shoot. But hopefully all this hard work will pay off especially as its been five years in the making.
Keep Smilin' all :)
For those who don't know, I've written and currently directing a Dracula movie, currently shooting in Whitby, North Yorkshire - called Christian (www.christianmovie.co.uk).
We started shooting some scenes in November 2009, but thanks to the bad weather and Swine Flu we've had to put the production on hold.
Thankfully, we're all back full health and production is to recommence later this month.
But now I've mentioned that its probably going to snow like hell until March or something and put production back a few months, which can't afford to do as we have to have it completed by August ready for the Bram Stoker Film Festival in October.
Meanwhile, the film has been getting a lot of publicity from local tabloids and we've had a few major film studios keeping an eye on our site and our official twitter page.
Work has started on the CGI. There's a lot to do including a fair bit of green screen performing to be done which I think is going to take up a majority of the shoot. But hopefully all this hard work will pay off especially as its been five years in the making.
Keep Smilin' all :)
Monday, 4 January 2010
Bloody Computers!
So I've just been spending most of the day trying to figure out why my PC keeps crashing.
Its a good job I know what I'm doing or this would have cost me a friggin' fortune for someone to open it up, tut, waggle the cables, touch things with the tip of a screwdriver, turn it off and turn it on again, tut again, put the case back on and charge me £150 to say "It was a Windows problem, so I reinstalled it".
When in fact, I opened the casing, tutted, swore, waggled the wires, blew the dust out, coughed, tutted again, rebooted it, had a wee, reinstalled windows on another drive so I could access the faulty drive, tutted some more, said the F-Word, rebooted again after a crash, found the problem to be a partition fault, repaired it, put the case back on for it cost me £0. So jog on PC World! Ha!
Its a good job I know what I'm doing or this would have cost me a friggin' fortune for someone to open it up, tut, waggle the cables, touch things with the tip of a screwdriver, turn it off and turn it on again, tut again, put the case back on and charge me £150 to say "It was a Windows problem, so I reinstalled it".
When in fact, I opened the casing, tutted, swore, waggled the wires, blew the dust out, coughed, tutted again, rebooted it, had a wee, reinstalled windows on another drive so I could access the faulty drive, tutted some more, said the F-Word, rebooted again after a crash, found the problem to be a partition fault, repaired it, put the case back on for it cost me £0. So jog on PC World! Ha!
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