(Picture: Atlantic Council) |
Seriously are we surprised? Erm... not really no.
Is it going to get better? Erm... not while the Government think of more ways to rob from the poor and give to the rich.
The only way this country will see any improvement in spending would be to make things affordable again and up the wage and ease taxes for the poorly paid.
Ahahahaha! Who the hell am I trying to kid? This is the Government where nobody gives a toss about anyone who voted them in. The only people they care about are themselves and their deep pockets.
To be honest, how many of you can honestly say you've got full satisfaction from your local council, councillor or MP? Very few of you because they just don't seriously care. We voted them in, give them a job and we get shat on from a great height.
This country doesn't need higher taxes, spending cuts, more job losses.
What would we benefit from when VAT is raised to 20% in January 2011? Nothing. I believe this will bring the country firmly down to its knees and for what? Hmm?
Petrol in the UK is expected to soar to £1.30 (US $2.02) a litre on Unleaded, £1.50 (US $2.33) on Diesel by the new year.
How is that going to help the economy? On the average 1.6 litre motorcar, a tank of unleaded petrol can cost on average £60 to fill.
So how are the Government expecting people to continue using their cars if petrol can rise to £100 a tank?
People will stop using their cars, people will have to get a second job to meet payments on bills their primary job won't no longer cover, people might even leave their jobs because its too expensive for them to travel to work on a daily basis.
On top of that, the Government plan on taxing food items that aren't covered by VAT. So when food prices rise what's going to happen to people who can just afford a week's worth of shopping? What's going to happen when utility bills soar? The list can go on and on.
I'll give it a year before we start hearing of more businesses collapsing or taking their companies abroad, more redundancies and more bankruptcies.
More people are leaving the UK because its become to expensive to live in their own country.
The people who should be hit hardest on tax are the rich, not the poor, not the people who work long hours to earn enough so they can afford to pay a gas bill or a week's worth of food.
If the Government want people to start spending and give the economy the boost it needs, then they're going to have to make thing more affordable again so people will spend, spend, spend.
Drop down VAT to 9%, get rid of council tax. We coped without it in the past and we can cope without it again.
Half petrol prices, it can be done especially when the oil companies are boasting about the millions their making in so many months.
In all honestly, all this is falling on the deaf and dumb isn't it? Why? Because if they gave up all that extra money, how else will they afford their big polluting cars, flights around the world, holiday homes, their second homes, their office refurbishments, their unfaithful marriages and porn stash?
Its great living in a country where its elected Government care. God bless everyone of them!
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