All you will see over the next few hours will be everyone wishing all their family and friends a Happy New Year. All the best for 2023. Hope this year is better than the last one. Here's to a wonderful and peaceful 2023. Blah, blah, fucking blah! Now I'm not here to be a new year Scrooge, but what I am doing is speaking my mind and looking back to what a complete shit show 2022 was and the next will most probably be.
So in 2022, we saw the cost of living rise to unrealistic levels in the UK, COVID being knocked on the head, a Russian megalomaniac cunt knocker invade an independent country, the cost of fuel going through the roof, jobs being lost, people dying, people being born, a long-reigning monarch dying, the weather going nuts giving the UK the hottest summer on record and every fucker going on strike.
Well what has 2023 got in store? Pretty much the same to honest with you, except the weather perhaps. Now let's start with obvious shall we? After World War 2, leaders around the world said they would never let history repeat itself and the horrific events Hitler and the Nazis committed. Yet, in 2022, history repeated itself and it took a while before anyone got off their arse and did something. I mean seriously? You've got a complete mental bell-end throwing his toys out of his pram like a spoilt brat, who decides he wants the Ukraine, lies to the world saying I'm not going to invade your all deluded, invades Ukraine blaming the country being run by Nazis, killing thousands of innocent people, threatens other nations that if they get involved they'll be consequences, his troops then decide to commit mass murder and rape children while the world stands back, threatened by this school boy bullying cunt and doesn't stand up to him, by saying fuck you I won't do what you tell me, ganging up on the prick and help secure a country that he has no right invading. Instead, we just send money and weapons, ruffle Zelensky's hair and say there you go son. As a result, the world is now suffering while this complete fuckwit holds it all hostage. You've got China who are now paranoid, invading their patrons rights and causing all kinds of shit. Behave yourselves China! You've got North Korea who are still silly buggers. Jesus, the world has gone to shit and there we are all saying Happy New Year, all the best for 2023! Fuck off!
So what if World War 3 is triggered by countries helping out Ukraine. We have been lied to when we were told history wouldn't repeat itself. Yet it has! Why are standing by watching a country fight for its freedom? It doesn't need pocket money, it needs the bigger person to stand up to the bully and tell him to fuck off!
But while that happens, the UK has gone to complete shit. Our government are complete fucking joke, yet, somehow there still in power! How??? You've got the government throwing money at other countries to help with aid, yet our country is on its arse with yet another recession, families having to go to food banks, because they cannot afford to live despite many of them having two jobs, fuel is through the fucking roof, gas and electricity is through the roof, but the government have said, we'll help by giving you some money towards it. How about helping bring the cost down and stop reaping the profits from all the taxes. How about putting money back in people's pockets permanently? When fuel hit £2 a litre, the government said they'll knock 5p off. Whoopy fucking do! That did nothing! Instead, garages just increased the cost of fuel to cover the 5p loss, and made things worse. In the UK, there is two taxes on fuel, if the government got rid of one, it would make it so much cheaper. But the greedy bastards won't, We are all fed some bullshit, that we're pretty much told to believe it or else. Its got that bad that every fucker is striking!
So while you're wishing everyone a happy new year. Just think about what I've said. It maybe a new year, but its still the same old shit.
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