Sunday, 25 November 2012

Taking A Bite Of The Apple

WTF is going on with Apple?
They seem to be shunning the old in favour of the new. And many of you probably know full well what I'm on about. If you don't, then let me enlighten you a bit more shall I? iOS6.

Seriously Apple, what the hell are you playing at? Oh yeah we've a made some major changes to the iPhone iOS which has hundreds of new features, but the downside to it is that its not really compatible with anything lower than the iPhone 4S.

I myself own an iPhone 4, my girlfriend has a iPhone 4S. We both upgraded to the new iOS6 around the same time, but as soon as my phone reboots I suddenly get plagued by 'Fixed Dialling Active' constantly flashing up on screen and 95% of the time I see 'No Service' appear where I used to see a full strength 3G signal. Where as my girlfriend hasn't had a problem.
So thinking my sim card was playing up I get a new one from my local O2 store, who are just more confused than me at these sudden problems that non-iPhone 4S/5 are experiencing.

As expected the problems persist, so I contact Apple, who talk me through a series of 'solutions' to repair my phone. Guess what? They didn't work either and Apple's response was 'its your iPhone and there's nothing more we can do because your iPhone is out of warranty. You need to take it to your local Apple store (50 miles away) to have it checked'. Seriously? So I've got to put up with the issue until I happen to drive into Newcastle one day and have Apple check out my iPhone.

After looking online for another solution knowing full well that my iPhone wasn't at fault and it was the iOS firmware. I noticed that it wasn't just me experiencing the problem.
Customers who had upgraded their firmware to iOS6 all experienced the 'No Service' issue and no-one had any solution on how to fix it.
Great! We've now got a phone where we're not getting a full service and there's nothing we can do about it except suffer.

Then a shimmer of light appeared in the form of an announcement by Apple to say they were releasing an update to fix a connectivity problem. Yay! I jumped for joy. Someone has fixed the problem. We can use our phone's as normal again.

A couple of days later, I get the message that there is a firmare update available. Click on it only to read that it has nothing to do with the 'No Service' issue, but a WiFi connectivity issue iPhone 4S/5 users were experiencing. Ah right great! Bollocks to the rest of your customers who are experiencing 'No Service' issues then eh?

But to add insult to injury, Apple only then stop us from downgrading back to 5.1.1. Fan-plucking-tastic! Not only give us software that isn't compatible, but stop us from going back to a firmware which worked fine.

I continue to look online for any further developments, only to find one. Turn off the 3G setting. Okay, no harm in this and hey presto I finally get a stable signal. Go back to 3G and I lose my signal again. So, until Apple pull the cores from out their arse and either fix the problem or allow it's users to downgrade back to 5.1.1, we have to continue to use a restricted, slow service.

Thanks Apple! Thanks for nothing!

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