Most acts of terrorism has spawned from the propaganda they've either been told or read in papers and from our Governments interfering in their countries politics. So these individuals have gone a bloody rampage, killing those who don't share their views. But Governments are far from innocent in all this, as they've provoked the propaganda by censoring the truth that's out there. North Korea - Hello! Hell, even the Chinese have started with all this freedom of speech shit! I know a few Chinese people, who have visited this country and they're great, friendly people, who have had their eyes opened to the lies their Government have told them to believe is true. The same goes for the Muslim people, who, thanks to the bullshit you read in the papers to stir paranoia and racial hatred, are living in fear because of what people think of them thanks to terrorists, who are going against all their beliefs and killing people in their campaign to rid the world of non-followers of Islam.
You've all probably seen images like those to the right, which shows hatred towards those who slander the Islamic faith. But what the press don't show you, are the true followers of Islam, protesting against people like this. Beheading, extermination and threats of a 'real holocaust' are not the views of Islam. In fact, Islam shares the same views of all true religions, in that they want peace and love for all mankind. Hundreds of Muslims proved this by marching in London earlier this month, showing their disgust at how terrorists are tainting their beloved religion. However, many of us didn't see this, as the media decided not to show it, proving that they rather you see propaganda hatred for this race, to help the Government's support to bomb Syria and other countries where these terrorists live.
Copyright - Mirror Online |
Another reason why we went into these countries was oil. Its probably the main reason why the western Governments show so much interest in the middle-east as they don't want oil supplies to be disturbed, as if something happens, then millions of dollars would be lost. It also shows why nothing has been done about other countries leaders like in North Korea and Africa. The people of those countries are suffering because of their leaders selfishness and greed, but nothing is done because there is nothing of interest for our Governments to protect.
So what has come of this reign on terror? Well, terrorism of course. All its done is create more hatred for the western world, so more groups have got together, established more terrorist cells and now, because of their tight laws being extinguished thanks to our meddling into how their countries are run. These idiots are now running amok killing those who don't believe in their cult ways and the only one's to blame for this uprising are our Governments. Job well done folks.
Photo: SWNS |
So instead of giving these terrorists the publicity and fuelling racial hatred, which is what they want, because it just supports their bullshit more about how the west hates Islam. Show the people and believers of Islam that we, the people are not supporting the views of the few. That we can live in peace and as one, as it states in the bible and the Quran.
Peace :)