Friday, 13 March 2015

Am I Missing The Point Here?

Jeremy Clarkson has finally gone and done it. After a bust up with his producer over food in a hotel while on location, the BBC have suspended him after numerous warnings over his past behaviour. So what am I missing here? Why are hundred of thousands people supporting his actions? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but if a member of staff within any company was violent towards another member of staff, then they would be disciplined, no? So why are people supporting his actions? Now I love watching Top Gear and I don't mind Clarkson, but if he's struck a work colleague, then he needs to face up to the consequences which yeah, could be the sack. So I ask the question again. Why are public, including David Cameron, showing their support for him? If this happened to you, would you like it if you're attacker took this piss of the situation on public television? Yeah, thought as much.