Wednesday, 1 August 2012

London 2012 Is Here!

Copyright - Chroniclelive
Hey all! 
It's been a while since I've done any blogging, but I've had a busy past couple of weeks. 

Anyhow, the 2012 Olympics in London are well under way and as expected not without controversy.

On Friday, billions watched the fantastic three and a half hour opening ceremony which was created and directed by Danny (Trainspotting) Boyle.
The man couldn't have shown the world how much Britain has changed as a country as well as what this country has given to the world, such as the Internet and its music any better than he did that night.

However, a certain Conservative Member of Parliament Aidan Burley, thought the ceremony was "The most leftie opening ceremony I have ever seen - more than Beijing, the capital of a communist state! Welfare tribute next?".

Tory Tosspot MP Aidan Burley - Copyright: ITV Central

This comes from an MP who's party/government are destroying what thousands have worked hard to build - a decent country.

The opening ceremony celebrated the creation and the success of the National Health Service (NHS), something which the government are trying to cripple by its continuous cuts to its budget and lack of support to its staff.

Right now, the government are devising a plan to sack doctor's from their jobs and offer them a new contract with less pay. If they refuse to take the new contract they become unemployed. Brilliant idea to stop doctors and NHS staff from striking over their pay - NOT!

We also saw the history of the British Industrial revolution and how its grown over the years because of its hard working people. 
However, like most countries our industry and work force is shrinking fast thanks to the recession and yet again our government. 
After being told to make cuts to VAT, fuel duties and other crippling taxes to help this country and its industry get back on its feet. Our government have turned a blind eye and continued to help unemployment figures increase, businesses and well-known stores to go bankrupt and public sector services such as fire and police face severe budget cuts resulting in officers being laid off and their pensions being cut. 

So Mr Aidan Burley, before you criticise the working man's history just bloody well remember how this country was built. By the working class people who voted you in on a count of trust. The working class people who pay their taxes to fund your family holiday's and refurbishments to your little office. The working class people who are fast becoming unemployed because your government's greed. The working class people who stuck the silver spoon in your toff mouth and hope you bloody well choke on it you utter utter moron.

Other than that, the opening ceremony was pure gold and made everyone us more proud to be British.