Friday, 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

I would like to thank everyone who's visited my blog this year and I'd like to wish you all wherever you are around the world, a very peaceful and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Peace :)

Monday, 20 December 2010

My Alternative Christmas Message

So this is Christmas, and what have we done?
Absolutely nothing to be honest. Why? Because people are worse off than ever before and who do we have to thank for that? The Government.

Now, I'm not just blaming the morons who are in power at the moment. Most of the blame does have to goto Labour for their hand into making the country poorer.

This year, people are worse off than ever before and next year is going to be worse.

How on earth can the government say we're out of the recession when signs are clearly stating we're far from it.

Next year will see a rise in VAT. Over the past two years it has gone from 15% to 20%, and this next rise is going to help the economy how exactly?
With utility bills expected to rise greatly, along with council taxes, petrol and food, how are the working class people going to cope?

Its all good and proper the government saying they'll be help for the poorer, but the reality is, is that people struggle to get that help in the first place.

When banks and building societies got into financial difficulties, they were bailed out but us, the tax payer, and the government clearly said that we would not have to pay for the bail out.
So what we doing now? Paying for the bail out hence one of the reasons behind the increases in tax.

In my opinion, those who were in trouble should have been forced to close.
It was wrong to bail out companies who got themselves into trouble in the first place.
But the other reason behind the bail out was simple. The government would have lost a large amount of money, which meant the average MP couldn't decorate his office or run around in his shiny new car.

The only place our money is going is into the fat pockets of our money grabbing government.


2011, will probably see more people out of work as they won't be able to afford to travel to work.

Wages have been frozen in the public sector along with other businesses and major employees. Yet the cost of living continues to rise.
In January 2011, unleaded petrol in the UK is set to rise from 121p a litre to a staggering 130p a litre.
For an average family it will cost them around £60 to fill their car.

So its all good and proper the government and local councils telling you to go green and use public transport instead, but hang on, weren't we all pushed into using unleaded petrol because it was cheaper and greener on the environment, hence why leaded petrol was stopped?

Now, its become expensive and we're now being told its harming the environment - make your mind up!
Plus, who the hell are they to tell us to stop using our cars and travel to work on public transport?
I would love to use public transport, but I was moved into the middle of nowhere where there isn't any public transport available, so leaving my car at home isn't an option and the same could be said for the majority of the country.

But as individuals slip into more debt as they're unable to keep up with payments as their household bills rise. More and more people will file for bankruptcy this year, more businesses will go bust and the public sector services such as police and fire will suffer from budget and jobs cuts.

What are the solutions to get this country going again?
In my opinion, I would cut taxes - make essentials such as food, utility bills and fuel cheap again.
This will put extra money in your pocket and get people spending again as they'll be able to afford to go out and treat themselves once in a while like we used to do in the good old days.

If petrol wasn't so expensive, families would be able to afford to go on trips again, instead of limiting where they go today because their counting the miles so a tank will last them longer.

Stop bailing out failing companies. If there in debt, that's their problem, not ours!
You don't see the government helping small family run businesses do you? No, as I said before, they'll only help those who they profit from to begin with.

End the war! Bring our troops home, back to their families and stop wasting tax payers money trying to find someone we know you don't want to find. C'mon! Its almost been ten years and you still can't find a terrorist leader despite all the technology and intelligence that's available to you?
That is a pure sign that the government is profiting from the war and the reason why Bin-Laden has never been captured. They know where he is, they just don't care.

So, this year Clegg, Cameron and Brown - yes BROWN and the UK government!
While you're tucking into to your expensive Christmas dinners with your family around the table. Admiring your silk shirts and other expensive gifts you can afford to buy for your families.
Hold a thought while you cut into that turkey, for the families who can't afford a proper meal not just for Christmas, but forever until the day comes when life becomes affordable again.
Hold a thought for those who's families have been driven apart because of the mounting pressure of debt and jobs losses they'll face over the coming year. For those who took their own lives because they were unable to cope, for those who are now homeless and are living on the streets with nowhere to go. For those who died in battle while your government profited from their sacrifice, for the children you let down such as Baby Peter who died in pain because of government bodies failed to do their jobs properly again and for the students who are unable to continue with their further education because its too expensive.
Finally, hold a thought for everyone who voted you all in, these are ones who you've let down once again.

Enjoy Christmas with your families boys, don't waste your time thinking about us. Hell we are the ones who have probably paid for it all.

Merry Christmas!